Suddenly, I see the dear and beloved both, faces of old friends - random as the young 'uns say - why these two? They are not even acquainted of Radul and Daav MacNab! There they are, right this second, in the theatre of my mind, as they themselves, or as I imagine them theirselves, talk amongst the masses together, in a desultory manner about the various roles and sundry that have been historically tied to their donut shaped shoes.
Judy, has been contemporarily acclaimed and rightly; as a power house of artistic and philisophic wonder and genius. MacNab who has gone into hiding, still proclaims his innocence when it comes to the veritable tomes of volumes of poetic and etcetera, that reside in his multifarious incredibly original and creatively his own, brain.
Once, we were all young, and we were equal. Now, as the creepy fifties begin to fan their nebulous and harrowing in-NESS towards me, yes, my soul, reaping (not wreaking) havoc amongst the minstrels that dance around still, happier and more brazen than ever, those that were my girl beauty...and I pause for a minute, or two or twenty to say - Hey!!! Am I ahead of the game, or behind the horse that pulls the cart that borrows the man that slays it?
Didst thou say vegetarian? I said vegan, my lord, VEGAN, not some miniscule ice puppy skating around drunk in a pond somewhere in Upper Canada Village! For Gawd's sake, get a grip on your ski pole!!! Slant the tippy thing upwards and pour the liquid carefully off into that sacred gourd over there, yes there, just behind my Spode plate collection, on top of the pile of Marimekko fabric and just behind the pillars of salt...and you have found it! There, kept there, especially for the keeping and the sake of these keepsakes. Oh Yeah.
Thank you. Amen. and I have still not drinked. thank the LORD!!!
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Yes, that is MEE and my BOBBI MCGEEEEEEE |
Its actually TRIPLE D!!!