Oh, the Love
Oh, the Love of the Beauty
Oh...the BEAUTY and the LOVE
OH...the BeautyLoveBeautyoftheLove and all that is in it.
I am grateful for the support, love, friends and swished around companions that accompany me in the dreams of landscape filled with tiny flowers flittering geniunely interestedly in the butterflies the small details of their complex interior design work that goes without saying. Of course...the flowers dream of pulchritde and symmetry of a winsome home-spun blended ritual of happy blessed blissed ecstatic elated exultant jubilant...they DANCE with extensile impressionable open motions of clear and pure JOY.
And all the while, the Buddha shares with the creatures a jubilant hilarity, pride and joy of raptures known only to the luxury of regalement and solace transported through the treat of wonder, simple good cheer, a frolic of undeniable merriment, my eyes have seen the glory of her WONDER set-to, inside the alleviation of nondescript, there lies even for you and me, the veritable QUEENDOM of life, yes, you know, the one that requires nothing but a minute by minute refreshment through rejoice and revelry. Love of Goddess.
Ideophrenia - A Madness Characterized by Disordered Ideas...Welcome to my Blog I Love You Love Susi Milne
About Me

- Vancouver, BC, Canada
- I am a multi media artist who has spent a large portion of my life prooving to myself that not only am I an organic artist with lots of talent in drawing, photography, water colours, poetry, performance art and film/video - I can do the design, maintenance and operational sustainability of high level administrative infrastructure. I have done so by working successfully in the Rat Race although that euphemism may be an insult to rats who probably do not lie and cheat and posture as much. Who knows. In any case, I am now half a century old in human years. I am one eglegteram in Mars Alien time measurement - which is apparently a good time to make a change. And that, my dear Blog followers is what I am gratefully and happily doing here! THANK YOU for reading, you know who you are!
The Valley of Cal Poly Pomona Greens

Listen Carefully Ms La Salle
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