About Me

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
I am a multi media artist who has spent a large portion of my life prooving to myself that not only am I an organic artist with lots of talent in drawing, photography, water colours, poetry, performance art and film/video - I can do the design, maintenance and operational sustainability of high level administrative infrastructure. I have done so by working successfully in the Rat Race although that euphemism may be an insult to rats who probably do not lie and cheat and posture as much. Who knows. In any case, I am now half a century old in human years. I am one eglegteram in Mars Alien time measurement - which is apparently a good time to make a change. And that, my dear Blog followers is what I am gratefully and happily doing here! THANK YOU for reading, you know who you are!

The Valley of Cal Poly Pomona Greens

The Valley of Cal Poly Pomona Greens
Listen Carefully Ms La Salle

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

A Horsey Naughty Time

I remember riding the horses in rural Quebec when it was minus thirty-five with a terrifying wind chill factor.  We didn't use saddles when it was that cold - we had to ride bareback for the warm animal contact or our legs and labia would freeze.   

The horses had winter coats like fluffy kitty cats.  The fur stuck straight out at a ninety degree angle from their skins.  It was hell to groom them - we had to sponge dry clean them and brush and brush and it took hours.  My horse was a huge honey and white spotted pinto and needless to say I spent the most time dry-cleaning, everyone else had brown or black horses.  

I had two best girlfriends that I played on the horses with.  We had experimental lustful preteen sexual relations with each other and it was incredibly exciting.  It also strengthened and spiritualized our emotional relationships with each other.  We all went to the same school, rode horses and ate, talked, learned and slept together.

Out in the bush we experienced total freedom and bliss in terms of environment.  The beauty was so huge it took over our beings and allowed us be creative and happy and to fly to any direction we saw.  The horses were an integral part of that.  The sensation of galloping a horse flat out is one of the most exhilarating and fulsome experiences on earth.  The huge live beast between your legs with pounding hooves causes massive endorphin rushes that build soul and spirit.

Translate that into our own sexual language.  We were so close to our freedom that we took turns playing with each other and learning each others’ bodies with a ferocious tenderness.  We dressed and danced and performed elaborate mating rituals with each other.  We turned one living room into our harem filled with each other.  We lived in our secret world of horses and the gentle sexing of each other and it was so fine.

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