About Me

My photo
Vancouver, BC, Canada
I am a multi media artist who has spent a large portion of my life prooving to myself that not only am I an organic artist with lots of talent in drawing, photography, water colours, poetry, performance art and film/video - I can do the design, maintenance and operational sustainability of high level administrative infrastructure. I have done so by working successfully in the Rat Race although that euphemism may be an insult to rats who probably do not lie and cheat and posture as much. Who knows. In any case, I am now half a century old in human years. I am one eglegteram in Mars Alien time measurement - which is apparently a good time to make a change. And that, my dear Blog followers is what I am gratefully and happily doing here! THANK YOU for reading, you know who you are!

The Valley of Cal Poly Pomona Greens

The Valley of Cal Poly Pomona Greens
Listen Carefully Ms La Salle

Thursday, 8 December 2011

The Great and Good White Headed Bald Eagle, or Kipawa

Its a beautiful day today in Vancouver, BC, Canada...the sun is shining and I walked home all the way through downtown from waterfront across the Burrard Street bridge to our home here in Kitsilahno Point.  It was a great thing to do, for the exercise and also I checked on my two Eagle friends well I don’t' know if I can call them friends.  More like they are my God/Goddess connexxion!  Anyway their nest is in the big tree just by the Burrard Bridge.  I have been observing them for about six years now.  I know the yearly cycle off by heart.  It goes like this

Nov - January - fix up tree/nest for this years offspring by getting new branches and re-enforcing the existing nest infrastructure when necessary.  Photo below:  Susi Milne

January - February - play around and kiss each other and sit on the totem pole together preening each others wings and finally mating.

Photo below: Susi Milne


February - April - eggs are laid!, and the two take turns sitting on them, while the other gets food and flys around

Mid-april - eggs hatch!  I spy on them with a great birdscope I have, a telescope for birdwatching that is amazingly magnified.  I have certain vantage points and I can see right into the nest!  There is nothing sweeter in this world than the experience of seeing the new baby eagles upon hatching with their HALARIOUS furry round balls of fluff- heads, big eyes, they wobble around and fall over all around the huge nest! 

April - July - the best oh the best...the Eaglets grow up slowly, they are fed by the parents, crow, seagull, small mammels like mice, etc., its wonderful to watch the parents feed them down their little throats

May - July - the Eaglets wobble at first then get stronger and prance around the nest, trying out their wings...flapping and flapping until they get the hang of it..then they flap and flap and go up into the air a little bit...THEN!  the most wonderful - they start to do their flying exercises...they climb up and up in the nest, until they are sitting on the very edge of it and they flap their HUGE by this time - wings and jump up! And 'fly' down into the middle of the nest!  It is SO HALARIOUS!!!

July - Maiden Flight -  After practising in their huge tree for a good month,   they start to fly from branch to branch and then finally in July, they make their maiden flights.  I have been lucky enough to witness one maiden flight out of the dozen or so babies I have watched. How do I know it was a first flight you ask?  Well...the baby was on the branch flapping and flapping and the parents were BOTH flying around and around him/her and make encouraging eagle noises, you could just tell by listening that was what it was...and the baby was flapping and jumping from branch to branch, and suddenly!  He/she flew OUT into the AIR with both wings going crazy flapping and the bably was making these high pitched sort of scared silly but very excited noises!!! And the parents were screaming their heads off!  The other baby was squaking and jumping up and down in the nest...then the baby did a complete circle out in the air by the tree and came back to land on a branch by the nest.  All the other eagles were so happy and screaming praise and happiness at the bird, it was so cool.

Below is a photograph I took of a Juvenile Eagle about one year old.

I sit on a fold out three legged stool with my birdscope and my supplies for a good 4-6 hours during the May - July period and just WATCH them interacting with each other in the nest.  I canot believe how it holds my attention. I have no problem sitting there for HOURS, its so wonderful.  I draw them and paint them and take photos. I love it, and I am so grateful to the Creator for this uplifting and joy giving experience.  Here is a photo I took of an Eaglet three months old

I heard a great story about Eagle Nests from a friend of mine once at an  art opening, his name is Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun - here is his site go look at it he is truly amazing

anyway I was at this opening with him, and we happened to be standing together waiting for something to happen, a video to start or another action... and I was making small talk with him.  I said "Hey Lawrence, I have had the honour of viewing some wonderful Eagles for the last few years, at Kits Point" and proceeded to tell him all about it.  He was looking at me in a funny way...and he said, "you know Susi, a few years ago they did a surveillance project with all of the Urban Eagle Nests to determine stability and get some numbers on what is happening with them - there were thirty-six healthy Eaglets born in the GVRD last year." 

Below two Adult Eagles Mating Ritual - Photo: Susi Milne

"they found that the Urban Eagles nests were built with a surprising amount of materials that the Eagles had scavenged from humans.  Many of them have parts of and whole leather collars all twined and fitted into their infrastructure - some nests have been there in the same location, each with the yearly renovation for forty years.  These collars are all different colours some baby blue and some mostly pink with the names "fluffy" and "fido" - from small dogs and cats that they get to eat".

Below a gorgeous shot of Adult Eagle - photo by Susi Milne

I have never been able to confirm Mr. Yuxweluptun's claim about this but I bet its true. He had a twinkle in his eye when he was telling me though!

Anyway I just LOVE that visual!  Those nests all brown and black twigs and roots and tree branches, with the bright baby blue and pink peeking out all through!  So hilarious!

Thursday, 1 December 2011

If you go down to the Battlements today

You're in for a big surprise...!

If you go down to the Battlements today
You'd better go in DISGUISE..!

For every kitty that was a kitty has prepped the part that has the art
Today's the day the kittycats get their re-venge!

Watch out, all you mean humans that have hurt kitties in the world!
We have a baby dinosaur on our side!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Sniffy the Rat - CBC Archive Footage

Yes, that is me with the green vest, the backwards baseball cap and red braid, all twenty nine years of me, shouting "Where's the cops???" protecting Rick Gibson from the angry mob back in 1990.  It was a performance art piece that I curated through the Pit Gallery (Unit 36 Society, not to be confused with others of same name today and then).  We got international front page in most major urban centres around the world that day and alot of newspaper coverage of the event.  I was quoted in the Globe and Mail at length and my favourite part of that was "You say there is no difference between Noriega slaughtering civilians In Panama, and the little boy down the well in Texas in terms of media coverage?  Well I say there is a major f***ing difference..."



and oh so much fun


And its quite fascinating how the cats get really spooked by this story, I think they check in with you know who, it certainly looks like it here...

Saturday, 12 November 2011

LIttle Animal Paintings - For Sale BTW

Letter to an Old Friend


Thank you so much for these old photos.  They awaken the slumbering enveloped memories, circumnavigate a simple piercing JOY rebounding now to me, from the simple but profound memories of that child hood, yes, that one, the beautiful, stunningly gorgeously miraculous one... in its physical form.  The one that was mine.   The one that I shared with some other luck ducky's like YOU, Clifford Quain my wonderful friend who telepathically knows EXACTLY what I require to pull me out of a dreadful self abasing wound that is my general emotion these days boo hoo.

When I looked at the photos this is what has happened.  A reaction that is extremely beautiful, other worldly and intense...here goes my description, I hope I can do it justice...

Images ruffle by quickly, silently, some still, some movement - in my mind's eye see a large scale slide/powerpt presentation with no mechanics around it, the gigantic screen and quality of image.  Flipping, flipping.  Colour form shape all torn up with love and emotional breakdown (appropriate in this case!)

These images are massive gold to my psyche...emotionally monumental to me, like Eagles or other large birds of prey.  Dead-pan, they zoom into my vision,  where all the peripheral has been taken away - caught up and in - tangled beyond a capacity for words.  This peripheral conversation a deep psychic language of the soul, as old maybe as the linear measurement of time due to earth humans speaking earth language on this planet.

So, we (we, meaning you and I, as I have somehow given you a window beside my outside self's window, we sit and watch together).  We gently leave the peripheral.  My self-prescribed acute intent is fostered brutally through the inner core of my physical being, the palates, the five points on my body that correspond with my worship elements - Earth Fire Water Air and Spirit (Love).

Back to Earth Susi.  View the photos on the machine, as dear friend Cliff has sent them.  The curve of the road, the gentle deep burrowing of the Precambrian Shield http://science4teens.wordpress.com/ecology-life-supported-by-the-canadian-shield/

I let my imagination go to work for me... and oh!  How it loves to do that!  The enormous mammoth animals and the then called Dinosaurs now called Birds, lumbering, gliding, spectacularly falling, charging, dancing, flying enveloping spirit hunger love sex red pulsating wet driven LOVE of body and sheer muscles .. causing that deep ancient calling from between my thighs aaaaaaaaahhhhh - 

Can you  IMAGINE those dinosaurs?  Do you dare to see the feathers?  As stated in the Wickipedia I just sent to you... "Moreover, fossils of more than twenty species of dinosaur have been collected which preserve feathers. There are even very small dinosaurs, such as Microraptor and Anchiornis, which have long, vaned, arm and leg feathers forming wings. The Jurassic basal avialan Pedopenna also shows these long foot feathers. Witmer (2009) has concluded that this evidence is sufficient to demonstrate that avian evolution went through a four-winged stage.[2]"

An hour or so ago I was all alone.  I was weeping in self pity.  I saw this emai.  I opened it up.  I read it and have responded quickly (here)..and now, I feel like flying with happiness, ready to share with the world, and to be of service as a human!  I think I'll do so down at the beach!!!  Thankyou!!!

I am a little fatigued from this writing/thinking/poetry...I need to recharge.  So, as the luckiest woman on the planet, I will go down to the curve of the sea lapping up and over the sand onto my toes.  It's still warm enough on this quasi-summer day to swim - although I am sure SOME people think it crazy.  O well, it'll give them something to think about on their seemingly banal bus ride!

Lots of love to you - you brilliant philosophic transporter of emotions and true ancient friend love.  You powerful Druid son, you good friend

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Tibbelina Twinkletoes

Oh Mine, I call to her, with her In Her Ness, me 'n her, our energy combining to form magical mystery love with the solomness of an unspoken connexxion triple love duplicates of myself in her eyes, I see the power of Her and Us and I thank the Goddess for That.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Beauty and Synchronicity

Oh, the Love
Oh, the Love of the Beauty
Oh...the BEAUTY and the LOVE
OH...the BeautyLoveBeautyoftheLove and all that is in it.
I am grateful for the support, love, friends and swished around companions that accompany me in the dreams of landscape filled with tiny flowers flittering geniunely interestedly in the butterflies the small details of their complex interior design work that goes without saying.  Of course...the flowers dream of pulchritde and symmetry of a winsome home-spun blended ritual of happy blessed blissed ecstatic elated exultant jubilant...they DANCE with extensile impressionable open motions of clear and pure JOY.

And all the while, the Buddha shares with the creatures a jubilant hilarity, pride and joy of raptures known only to the luxury of regalement and solace transported through the treat of wonder, simple good cheer, a frolic of undeniable merriment, my eyes have seen the glory of her WONDER set-to, inside the alleviation of nondescript, there lies even for you and me, the veritable QUEENDOM of life, yes, you know, the one that requires nothing but a minute by minute refreshment through rejoice and revelry. Love of Goddess.


Monday, 15 August 2011

Some Drawings

Preview to ... well you will see...when...you ... will... see...

Beauty and the Beasty

The in and up of tittering, yes, opposing forces, those encapsulated powers of an emotional roller coaster I can only begin to dwell with a little balance, upon... yes and on my own beasty, this kind:

Suddenly, I see the dear and beloved both, faces of old friends - random as the young 'uns say - why these two?  They are not even acquainted of late...so...Judy Radul and Daav MacNab!  There they are, right this second, in the theatre of my mind, as they themselves, or as I imagine them theirselves, talk amongst the masses together, in a desultory manner about the various roles and sundry that have been historically tied to their donut shaped shoes. 

Judy, has been contemporarily acclaimed and rightly;  as a power house of artistic and philisophic wonder and genius. MacNab who has gone into hiding, still proclaims his innocence when it comes to the veritable tomes of volumes of  poetic and etcetera, that reside in his multifarious incredibly original and creatively his own, brain. 

Once, we were all young, and we were equal.  Now, as the creepy fifties begin to fan their nebulous and harrowing in-NESS towards me, yes, my soul, reaping (not wreaking) havoc amongst the minstrels that dance around still, happier and more brazen than ever, those that were my girl beauty...and I pause for a minute, or two or twenty to say - Hey!!! Am I ahead of the game, or behind the horse that pulls the cart that borrows the man that slays it? 

Didst thou say vegetarian?  I said vegan, my lord, VEGAN, not some miniscule ice puppy skating around drunk in a pond somewhere in Upper Canada Village!  For Gawd's sake, get a grip on your ski pole!!!  Slant the tippy thing upwards and pour the liquid carefully off into that sacred gourd over there, yes there, just behind my Spode plate collection, on top of the pile of Marimekko fabric and just behind the pillars of salt...and you have found it!  There, kept there, especially for the keeping and the sake of these keepsakes.  Oh Yeah.

Thank you.  Amen.  and I have still not drinked.  thank the LORD!!!


Yes, that is MEE and my BOBBI MCGEEEEEEE

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Oh La LA its the power and the GLORRRRRRYYYY

Bouncing, she rallied up and down amongst the freshly laundered sheets as they billowed in the balmy sweetened wind.  How Now you say?  Said she.  Bow Doe said he, his tailored shirt - out of wack, the collar slightly bent towards the thick of the neck of it.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Sista and BFF

They are as delicate as a drop of mountain water on the trembling leaf of a tiny labilia flower in their generous attention to me and my on going ups and downs of life.  I group them together today simply because I have this fabulous photo!  And I just wanted to say how much I love them!  Auni Bunny Cheeks and Lisa ElgerBert, I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!

Friday, 29 July 2011

Oh Flowers

When I got my first digital camera I was wary of the technology.  I didn't realize how much freedom it gave, with the unlimited test runs upon test runs of photos and posting and posting and printing ONE instead of paying gold for thirty six rough and tumble squares of meaningful gibberwocky.

I followed my dream, and asked the flowers for guidance, and they gave, oh, they gave.